Hey! I’m Carlos, a second year Ph.D. student in the Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE) Department at Rice University (Rice) where I am advised by
Santiago Segarra and César A. Uribe working on topology constrained
transport over networks.
My interests span signal processing, topology, optimal transport, optimization, and other manifestations of applied math.
From 2017 to 2022, I was a student at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) where I
received B.S. (‘21) and M.S. (‘22) degrees also in ECE.
There, I was fortunate to have worked with Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan
on photometric stereo and with Richard M. Stern on a variant of the
cocktail party problem.
In a previous life, I interned at Adobe Research (Summer 2022) where I worked with with Kalyan Sunkavalli and Yannick Hold-Geoffroy on near-light and area-light variants of photometric stereo.